
Better Demonstrating the Value of the Bachelor’s Degree



Cammie Erickson
Senior Director, Social Impact, LinkedIn

Cammie is a Senior Director, Social Impact at LinkedIn. In this role she leads strategic partnerships, grantmaking, and employee volunteering and giving programs focused on driving a more equitable and sustainable world of work. Prior to joining LinkedIn, Cammie worked in the social sector– first at Ashoka, supporting the work of innovative social entrepreneurs, and then at BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) where she built cross-sector partnerships on climate justice, women’s empowerment in global supply chains and more. Cammie holds a BA in Public Policy from Duke University and an MBA at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business where she was a Forte Fellow and 2014 Public Service Scholarship Recipient. She was awarded Emerging CSR Practitioner of the Year in 2016 by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.


John B. King, Jr.
Chancellor, The State University of New York

John B. King, Jr. is the 15th Chancellor of the State University of New York (SUNY), the largest comprehensive system of public higher education in the United States. As Chancellor, King established four pillars of work for his vision of SUNY: student success; diversity, equity, and inclusion; research and scholarship; and economic growth and upward mobility. Under his leadership, which began in January 2023, the State University has seen its largest operating aid increase in over 20 years, including double-digit percentage increases for every state-operated campus and dedicated recurring annual funding of $10 million for each mental health services, services for students with disabilities, internships, and research, and its first overall enrollment increase in a decade.

Before being appointed SUNY Chancellor, King served as president of The Education Trust, a national civil rights nonprofit. Prior to this, King served in President Barack Obama’s cabinet as the 10th U.S. Secretary of Education. Upon tapping him to lead the U.S. Department of Education, President Obama called King “an exceptionally talented educator,” citing his commitment to “preparing every child for success,” and his lifelong dedication to public education as a teacher, principal, and leader of schools and school systems. Chancellor King had previously served as Deputy Secretary of Education.

His service in Washington, D.C. followed King’s tenure as New York State’s first African American and first Puerto Rican Education Commissioner, a role in which he oversaw all elementary and secondary schools, as well as public, independent, and proprietary colleges and universities, professional licensure, libraries, museums, and numerous other educational institutions.

Chancellor King holds a Bachelor of Arts in government from Harvard University, a J.D. from Yale Law School, as well as both a Master of Arts in the teaching of social studies and a doctorate in education from Teachers College at Columbia University.

You can follow Chancellor King on Twitter at @JohnBKing.

Timothy Renick
Executive Director, National Institute for Student Success

Timothy Renick is the founding Executive Director of the National Institute for Student Success and Professor of Religious Studies at Georgia State University. At Georgia State, he has served as Chair of the Department of Religious Studies, Director of the Honors Program and Senior Vice President. Between 2008-2020, he directed the student success efforts of the university, overseeing a 62% improvement in graduation rates and the elimination of all achievement gaps based on students’ race, ethnicity or income level. For six consecutive years, Georgia State has graduated more African American students with bachelor’s degrees than any other not-for-profit college or university in the nation. Dr. Renick has testified on strategies for helping university students succeed before the U.S. Senate and has twice been invited to speak at the White House. His work has been covered by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Time, and CNN and cited by former President Barack Obama. He was named one of the Most Innovative People in Higher Education by Washington Monthly, was the recipient of the Award for National Leadership in Student Success Innovation and was awarded the 2018 McGraw Prize in Higher Education. He has served as principal investigator for more than $30 million in research grants focused on promoting better and more equitable outcomes for college students. A summa cum laude graduate of Dartmouth College, Dr. Renick holds his M.A. and Ph.D. in Religion from Princeton University.